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Yes, if only that were true. Still this can happen. Potential customers that spontaneously call you and want to do business with you. Who does not want that? Does this mean that you can just lean back in your office chair? That is wishful thinking…. I do not believe in fairy tales and do not want to sell you a fairy tale!

Is it possible?

Last week I spoke to two entrepreneurs that I have helped in the past with their acquisition. Occasionally we catch up. To inform each other about how it is going. I was happy to hear that business wise everything is going well. They do little with acquisition and they are visible on social media, but in moderation. They do not actively call potential customers.

How do they do it? While talking to these entrepreneurs, I was once again confirmed in my belief (it is just a belief…) that a few things are crucial when it comes to a continuous stream of customers.

What is crucial?

1. Both entrepreneurs are very honest. They are open and transparent to their customers, especially when it comes to the price they demand for their services.
2. They offer a service, that will help these customers further. The results are visible!
3. They offer a service of which the value for money is good.
4. When a potential customer calls, of which they have the feeling that this does not fit with them, or if they cannot optimally help this customer, they sell a ‘no’. This way they prevent customers from leaving their property unsatisfied.
5. They often do something extra for the customers, and do not bill them for this.
6. 80% of the new customers that knock on their door, are people who have been referred by their current customers.

So I would say…. Ensure satisfied customers! Better and cheaper publicity cannot be found!

Do you need help with acquisition? Give me a call or send me a mail! I will help you to make happy customers that deliver you new customers!